Attend daily tool box meeting with Site Manager and workers for effective consultation, communication and coordination before commencement of work.Production of Outage Specific Lifting Plans and RAMS, required for all major or complex lifting activities, to take place during each outage.In any situation where immediate rectification cannot be done, ensure that all necessary measures are taken to make the situation and area safe before reporting to his supervisor.If unsafe conditions are reported, to take suitable measures to rectify the conditions so that the lifting operation can be conducted safely.

Ensure lifting accessories, equipment and machinery are fit for use and have the appropriate statutory documentation. Ensure that safe lifting procedures are in order for any lifting operation.Check the validity of lifting machine certificate by Approved Person and maintenance inspection program.Brief all crane operators, riggers and signalmen on the safe lifting procedures in place.Ensure that crane operators conduct daily checks of their assigned lifting machines and appliances prior to the start of their work-shift.

We specialise in senior and highly technical positions across the engineering, technology, and construction sectors worldwide. Ewi is a specialist recruitment & mobilisation consultancy headquartered in the City of London.